Teacher Lead Courses
For our advancing robot engineers, join the elite group of recruits to become a spy-in-training. Agents in training will receive their super-secret mission during each camp and then learn to build and code a robot that will have to move through obstacles to retrieve top-secret documents. They will be challenged to incorporate technology concepts, engineering principles, and programming using the LEGO© robotics Construction Kits. Campers will learn how to break or make codes, learn coding, surveillance techniques, critical thinking, and solve logic puzzles. Each camp has new missions!
Students who are participating in a full day camp must bring their own nut-free sack lunch, snack, and water bottle.
For questions about this specific class, please contact esteamlearninglabs@gmail.com
For more information about this company, please visit esteamlearninglabs.com
ESTEAM Learning Labs